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About Us

Mehnatkash Kalyan Evam Sandarbh Kendra is a not for profit and non governmental social service organization inclusive in nature. The organization was founded in 2005-06 by a group of people who committed to work for the neglected groups of Domestic workers in urban areas of Jaipur. The organization has also forged formal and informal alliances with many organizations. We have been at the vanguard of advocating for the rights of domestic workers, their children, and migrant domestic workers.

We evolved and deepened our understanding of the urban poor throughout time, and our work with construction workers expanded. 

What We Do

MKSK empowers informal workers through awareness programs.

Advancing Labour Rights

Migrant workers are a dispersed
group, distributed across Jaipur..

Urban Poverty

Informal laborers constitute a large
number of the population in the cities..

Adolescent Empowerment

MKSK has realized that young girls
living in the slum require aspirations

Women Empowerment

MKSK has focused on empowering
urban informal working women

Training And Awareness

MKSK empowers informal workers
through awareness programs..

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